14 May, in the hall «Prof. Marin Drinov» of BAS, the conference was opened by the Director of IBL Prof. Svetla Koeva. Academician Mikhail Videnov delivered a greeting. In his speech, he told about the history of the Institute for Bulgarian language «Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin». On may 14, two meetings were held in the Academy hall «Prof. Marin Drinov»: «History of the Bulgarian language» and «Terminology».
14 May, in the hall «Ivan Evstratiev Geshov» of BAS, held a Round table on recent issues related to the Contemporary Bulgarian language with leadings Ass. Prof. Ruska Stancheva (IBL) and Prof. Krasimira Alexova (SU ” St. “Kliment Ohridsky”).
15 may, birthday of IBL, in the hall «Prof. Marin Drinov», was held the traditional awarding of IBL. Leading, Ass. Prof. Christina Dejkova, announced the awarding of the Grand Prix of IBL «Prof. Lubomir Andreychin» Professor Małgorzata Korytkowska from the Institute of Slavic studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Instytut Slawistyki PAN) for contribution to the development of Bulgarian studies. Certificates for generous donations of scientific literature were presented to the Prof. Rumjana Zlatanova and Prof. Raja Zaimova.
May 15, after the official part, in the hall «Prof. Marin Drinov» of BAS, held four meetings in the areas of the Ethnolinguistics, the History of the Bulgarian language and the Contemporary Bulgarian language.
May 15, in the hall «Ivan Evstratiev Geshov» of BAS, were held four sessions in the following areas: Lexicology and Lexicography, Bulgarian Onomastics, General Linguistics and Bulgarian Dialectology.
The closing ceremony of the International Annual Conference of IBL BAS took place on 15 may in the hall of «Prof. Marin Drinov». The new scientific achievements of the Institute for Bulgarian language «Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin», as well as global trends in Linguistics, particularly in Slavic studies and Bulgarian studies have been discussed. The conference demonstrates the wide scientific field of the researchers from the Institute of Bulgarian language and their effective international cooperation.
Ass. Prof. Ph.D. Dimitrina Lesnevkaya
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