Scientific journal
Publication requirements, Ethical guidelines, Copyright and Access
The articles should be sent as an attachment by e-mail to the editorial office: In a separate text document a reference about the author should be sent with the following information: name, surname, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, city, country, home address, contact phone number, email
Editorial board
Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Ass. Prof. Ph.D. in Philology Dimitrina Lesnevska, University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria) (Biography here) Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Yan Lesnevskiy, master degree in French philology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Sofia, Bulgaria) Executive Secretary: Radoslava Lesnevska, post-graduate student of architecture, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sofia, Bulgaria);
Archive of issues
Concept of the journal
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "RUSSIAN STUDIES WITHOUT BORDERS" "Russian studies without borders" is an electronic international scientific journal, registered in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is published 4 times per year. The journal is posted on the website Indexed in (RSCI/РИНЦ) ( The journal covers a wide range of topics and problems of the
Editor-in-Chief Dimitrina Lesnevska – Biography
Dimitrina Lesnevska, Associate Professor, PhD In Philology University of National and World Economy Bulgaria, Sofia In1971 Dimitrina Lesnevska graduated from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski with a degree in Russian Philology and the second degree Bulgarian Philology. D. Lesnevska completed postgraduate studies at St. Petersburg University (1973 – 1977) led by professor Victor