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The articles should be sent as an attachment by e-mail to the editorial office: rusistikabg@gmail.com. In a separate text document a reference about the author should be sent with the following information: name, surname, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, city, country, home address, contact phone number, email

Editorial board

Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Ass. Prof. Ph.D. in Philology Dimitrina Lesnevska, University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria) (Biography here) Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Yan Lesnevskiy, master degree in French philology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Sofia, Bulgaria) Executive Secretary: Radoslava Lesnevska, post-graduate student of architecture, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sofia, Bulgaria);

Concept of the journal

INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "RUSSIAN STUDIES WITHOUT BORDERS"   "Russian studies without borders" is an electronic international scientific journal, registered in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is published 4 times per year. The journal is posted on the website http://www.rusistikabg.com/. Indexed in (RSCI/РИНЦ) (http://www.eLibrary.ru). The journal covers a wide range of topics and problems of the

Editor-in-Chief Dimitrina Lesnevska – Biography

Dimitrina Lesnevska, Associate Professor, PhD In Philology University of National and World Economy Bulgaria, Sofia   In1971 Dimitrina Lesnevska graduated from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski with a degree in Russian Philology and the second degree Bulgarian Philology. D. Lesnevska completed postgraduate studies at St. Petersburg University (1973 – 1977) led by professor Victor
