From 4 to 5 February 2019 at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade was held the 57th meeting of Slavists of Serbia “Slavic languages and literature in the modern dialogue of cultures” organized by Society of Slavists of Serbia, Faculty of Philology in the University of Belgrade and Russian Centre of science and culture “Russian house” in Belgrade. The meeting was held in the form of a national Symposium with international participation. As in previous years, the following programs were implemented: 1) Scientific Symposium; 2) Training Seminar for teachers of the Russian language.
The Opening Session was inaugurated by the Chairman of the Society of Slavists of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Sc. Vuchina Rajcevic. The greeting of Prof. Dr. Sc. Olivera Vucic, Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, was heard. Academic SANU (SASA – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) Predrag Piper gave an overview of the academic research of SASA and told about the history of academic awards. After the official greetings the awarding of the prize named after Paul and Milka Ivic, a prize named Radovan Coshutich, as well as honorary diplomas of the Society of Slavists in Serbia is organized. Prof. Dr. Sc. Ksenia Koncarevic of the Department of Slavic studies at Philological faculty in University of Belgrade and Senior Researcher at Institute of Serbian language SASA, Prof. Dr. Sc. Sreto Tanasic have been awarded for contribution to Serbian culture and Serbian studies. At the Opening ceremony, a video welcome message from the Japanese Slavist Motoki Nomachi (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan) was listened.
This year the Symposium brought together about 80 participants from Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Russia, France and the Czech Republic.
The Plenary Session was opened by the report of Prof. Dr. Sc. Ksenia Koncarevic (Belgrade), which was dedicated to the Russian communication culture of Serbian memoirists of the 18th and 19th centuries. The report of Prof. Dr. Sc. Bogdan Kosanovic (Novi Sad) was devoted to the works of Mikhail Sholokhov. Senior Lecturer Valentina Reshetnikova (Moscow) made a presentation on the methodological approaches to teaching professional communication to foreign students at the Russian University. The report of Ass. Prof., Ph.D. in Pedagogy Natalija Bondarenko devoted to the Serbian pages in “Slavic Herald” (“Slavyanskii vestnik”) edited by A.A. Khovansky was read out by A. Lazarev – the founder of the Khovansky Foundation. The report of Andrey Lazarev, historian, translator (Voronezh) was devoted to sociolinguistic aspects of Slavic linguistics. Ass. Prof., Ph.D. in Philology Dimitrina Lesnevska (Sofia) made a plenary report on topic: “Ecolinguodidactics as the current direction of modern linguodidactic research”.
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The meetings were held in four sections. The Bulgarian delegation consisted of five members: Prof. Ph.D. Liliana Tsoneva (Veliko Tarnovo), Ass. Prof., Ph.D. Dimitrina Lesnevska (Sofia), Postgr. st. Elitsa Milanova (Plovdiv), Radoslava Lesnevska (Sofia) of the editorial Board of scientific journals “Russian Studies without borders” (“Rusistika bez granic”) and “Russian Studies in Bulgaria” (“Bolgarskaya rusistika“) and Radoslav Minkov (Veliko Tarnovo). Prof. L. Tsoneva made a presentation on the language game in the modern Russian and Bulgarian media. E. Milanova made a report on the representation of the images of the Serpent Gorynych and the Chinese dragon in the Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures.
In the course of fruitful work of the meeting the topical issues and problems of linguistics, stylistics, cognitive linguistics, phraseology, terminology, literary studies and translation, as well as the theory and practice of linguodidactics were considered. The formal syntactic analysis of Polish terminology was considered in the report of P. Obucina (Belgrade).
A number of reports on comparative research has been read: the comparison of cultural concepts in Russian and Serbian languages (N. Kozomara – Novi Sad; I. Andrijasevic – Belgrade); the comparison of the Proverbs in Russian and Serbian (E. Stosich – Novi Sad; comparative analysis of reciprocity and reflexivity in the Polish and Serbian languages (Z. Peric – Belgrade). A Comparative study of Slavic languages and cultures on the example of the phraseology was represented by A. Ushakova and S. Shishkina (Tyumen).
A number of papers has been presented concerning linguodidactic research: the problem of optimizing the training of the Russian as a Foreign Language was considered in the report of S. Chernova (Novosibirsk); E. Kolesina (Moscow) commented in her report the formation of cross-cultural literacy by means of folk art; I. Abramova (Nizhny Novgorod) made a report on the Confrontation analysis (dilemma analysis) in teaching Serbian language to Russian philologists.
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A number of reports on literary studies were heard and discussed. A. Kudlac (Pardubice) commented in his report the Czech literary postmodern. I. Atanasijevic (Belgrade) made a report on Belgrade history of the poem of Vladimir Nabokov. B. Coric (Belgrade) devoted his report to the works by A.I. Kuprin in Belgrade 1928. E. Sartakov (Moscow) made a presentation on the reception of N. Gogol in the Serbian press of the beginning of the XXth century.
At the Closing Ceremony of the LVII meeting of Slavists of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Sc. Vuchina Rajcevic provided the final reflections on the Symposium. He summarized the work and the results of the discussions in the plenary session and meetings of the four sections. The Symposium successfully finished all its sessions: in the course of the international scientific dialogue new directions of Slavic studies were identified. The participants, including foreign guests, thanked the organizers for the warm welcome and the opportunity to participate in this landmark international Scientific Forum.
Dimitrina Lesnevskaya